Thank you for visiting the Ohio Freedom Action Network (OhioFAN) website.
The OhioFAN team has discovered that one of the most effective ways to make an impact is to form working groups around issues of concern. During 2023 we formed the four working groups shown below. It is now 2024 and each working group has several concerned and active Ohioans who meet on a regular basis, usually online since the participants are geographically dispersed. There is no charge to join a working group.
Click on a working group logo below to learn more and join the team or contact Tom at with your questions. There are working groups focused on additional topics in the process of forming. In the meantime, we encourage you to check out each of the current working group’s websites and make contact today.
Our country is based on a government that is OF, BY and FOR the people so WE, the people, need to participate. This is an excellent way to participate.
Ohio Election Integrity Network
Ohio Election Integrity Network’s mission is to establish a trusted, statewide infrastructure comprising a network of county election integrity task forces with trained, certified, and geographically-positioned operators to ensure secure and legitimate election processes.
County Central Committee Working Group/Ohio Precinct Strategy
Ohio Precinct Strategy (OPS) is a networked group of Ohio Citizens that seeks to engage citizens in our elections process so that our voices are accurately represented in our elections.
OPS is about action. We are about solutions. We are not partisan. We believe in the Constitution. We believe that government should represent the citizens. We believe we should be a part of that process. We believe our elected representatives should come from among us, be chosen by us and answer to us. This is how our government is supposed to function.
The Ohio Roundtable
The Ohio Roundtable is your no nonsense news source for breaking news across Ohio empowering citizens to become journalists.
Ohio School Board Constitutional Coalition
OSBCC imagines a framework for like-minded school board members, educational professionals and parent groups to pursue a ‘Back to the Basics’ educational agenda.
We hope you’ll get off the sidelines and get on a team (working group) today. The only prerequisite is to be a liberty-loving Ohio citizen. Thank you.