MEDINA: MCFAN 1/25/25 – Robert Kilo of CCV

Hope you can join us for our meeting on Saturday, January 25th. Our guest will be first-time MCFAN speaker Robert Kilo. Robert is the Senior Director of Advancement for the Center for Christian Virtue, an organization that seeks the good of our neighbors by advocating for public policy that reflects the truth of the Gospel.

The theme of Robert’s presentation will be “Love Thy Neighbor” and will feature stories of those who follow Christ’s exhortation to love our neighbor as ourselves, as well as a discussion on how we can follow their example.

To learn more about Robert Kilo go to
To learn more about the Center for Christian Virtue go to

About MCFAN: Our meetings take place from 9:00 – 10:30 AM on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of each month. Our meeting venue is the Thirsty Cowboy (2743 Medina Rd., Medina). Each meeting features a guest speaker followed by socialization with fellow conservatives. The cost for meetings is $5.00 per person to cover room rental and coffee. (No charge for first-time guests or octogenarians.)

LAKE: Lake County Liberty Coalition June Meeting

Doors open 6:00pm, Speaker 6:30pm

Guest: Leonard Gilbert, Reformed Baptist, Citizen Activist


Have you ever asked yourself the question, does the church have a role in the transformation of society? Do any of our laws reflect any influence from Christianity? Does Scripture have anything to say about the role of the God ordained governments of family, church, and state?

I think it is fitting to take a look at these questions to see where we align in our thinking about God and what we truly believe as outlined in Scripture.

–Leonard Gilbert

• Born in Atlanta, GA (1959)
• Currently residing in Mentor, OH (30+ years)
• Graduate of Morehouse College – Math and Physics – 1983
• Graduate of Georgia Tech – Mechanical Engineering – 1985
• Married to Terri Gilbert for 29 years (Terri deceased June 2018)
• Two sons (Christopher and Kevin) – both homeschooled
• Attend Grace Covenant Church – Olmsted Township (Reformed Baptist) – 30+ years
• Retired – Avery Dennison – 34 years
• JBS Member since 2009
• Interests – Fishing, Writing and History
• Citizen Activist (Citizens Against Property Taxes)

MEDINA: A Pastors Panel on a Biblical World View.

Join MCFAN on June 8th for a Pastors Panel on a Biblical World View!

About MCFAN: Our meetings take place from 9:00 – 10:30 AM on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of each month. Our meeting venue is the Thirsty Cowboy (2743 Medina Rd., Medina). Each meeting features a guest speaker followed by socialization with fellow conservatives. The cost for meetings is $5.00 per person suggested donation to cover room rental and coffee. (No charge for first-time guests, students or octogenarians.) Due to the Memorial weekend holiday there will NOT be a meeting on May 25th

MEDINA: Pancakes! All-you-can-eat

Enjoy a pancake breakfast and all the proceeds will go to the American Conservative Youth Union. RSVP at and walk in’s are welcome too!

SUMMIT: Breakfast, Chris Long, Chris Banweg, Candidate for Ohio House

Please join Summit County Tea Party for breakfast and to hear Chris Long, president of the Ohio Christian Alliance and also Chris Banweg, candidate for State Representative in Ohio Congressional District 13.
Come join us for breakfast, please email to RSVP by Friday 2/16/24


Chris will address the election results of Issues 1 & 2 and how those results have affected the voting demographics in the State of Ohio and what to expect in our elections going forward, especially the primary in 2024. Also, anti-Semitism perpetrated on college campuses across the country and how it ends up affecting their donations and bottom-line.

Finally, Chris has published his first book, ‘For Their Honor’, which was written to tell the eleven-year story of how one of the largest mass prayers in history was added to the World War II Memorial in Washington DC.

Chris Banweg, a Marine Corps Reserve Lt. Col., has served in Afghanistan, Iraq and the Middle East. Chris is currently serving on Hudson City Council in an At-Large position where he fought to reduce property taxes and devote more resources to rebuilding or expanding the city’s core infrastructure, such as sewer, water and roads.

Chris is also a candidate for State Representative in Ohio-13 Congressional District where fighting inflation, securing the border, balancing the budget, and supporting first responders, US military and our veterans, will be among his top priorities.

Please join us. You’re welcome to pass this to family and friends who may be interested; please RSVP accordingly.

In freedom,

Terri Iannetta



LUCAS : Clear Truth Conference

We live in a very confused world. In the midst of the confusion, we need clear truth coming from our churches. Join us for three days of both Biblical teaching and cultural assessments from people engaging in the fight for truth. Join with pastors, ministry leaders, and engaged Christians who want to partner together to see truth restored in our region.

Eight Speakers, including our Pastor, Steven Whitlow

Some other notables:
Megan Basham, culture reporter Daily Wire
Joel Berry, managing editor Babylon Bee
Rob McCoy, Sr Pastor Thousand Oaks Chapel, CA and Co Chair of Turning Point USA
Check this out for some appetizers from the speakers.

Contact event coordinator is

Learn more:

Cost:  3-day conference cost is $99.00.


Starts on March 14, 2024 – 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

March 15, 2024 – 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

March 16, 2024 – 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon