Erie: 🇺🇸 AF-OH meets THIS MONDAY, 6/3 DR. ElLIZABETH LAFFAY … 6:30 pm New Life Church

DR> LAFFAY’S FOCUS: TODAY’S HEALTH CONCERNS AND HOW THEY AFFECT YOU … Plus Happenings in our Local Public School Systems

ALSO: A PILE OF PROVOKING ISSUES — current events concerning our Nation and the World. We ask that our AF-OH Patriot Community pray over this information, asking for God’s strength and guidance for His Faithful Leaders during these conflicting times. The hum of life is badly in need of your PRAYER-tuning.
🇺🇸 A brief prayer as we get into these articles: … I am ready to hear the words of Jesus and to follow His Way. We ask God’s merciful and abundant blessing on our thoughts, meditations and actions as we pray for God’s Will to be done in Our Country and World. We pray for God’s forgiveness and rich and merciful blessings. Satan cannot curse what God has blessed.

* Governors, Lawmakers and AGs team up to stop WHO from seizing more power over US Health Decisions

Governors, Lawmakers, and AGs Team Up to Stop WHO from Seizing More Power over U.S. Health Decisions

* Ohio Senators want to change constitution to stop political dark money

Ohio Senators Want to Change Constitution to Stop Political Dark Money

* Commentary: Alito flag scandal shows how the left thinks…

Commentary: Latest Alito Flag ‘Scandal’ Shows How the Left Thinks being an American is Un-American

* H.R. 1425 – No WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty Without Senate Approval Act

• 🇺🇸 Of particular interest:
•Lance Wallnau interview with Reverend Rafael B. Cruz, father of Senator Ted Cruz, US Senator from Texas since 2013.
Podcast Episode 1393: This Is Exactly Why The Church Has Failed || Ted Cruz’s Father Exposes Truth

Episode 1393: This Is Exactly Why The Church Has Failed || Ted Cruz’s Father Exposes Truth

•Reverend Raphael Cruz tells ‘We the People’ how to save their nation
Rev Cruz: How to Save Your Nation

🇺🇸 Fast and Pray: May 29 – June 5, 2024
Daily podcast at Give Him 15  Give Him 15

For every shattered dream God has a beautiful mosaic in store.
Let Truth be your banner… Faith Stands and fear runs…
Hallie & Steve Lippert – America First-Ohio