Earn Your Freedom with Tom Hach

Wondering what’s happening in America, and what you can do about it?
Here’s what Tom Hach, Free Ohio Now says:
- Axiom: If people don’t want to be free, they won’t be, because every generation includes those who want to rule over all the rest!
- Corollary: If people DO want to be free, they have to earn it! But today there’s no place for us to invest our time, effort and money to earn our freedom.
At the Ohio Barnstorming Tour, discover how you, your family, friends and neighbors can invest time, effort and money to earn your freedom, starting locally in your own communities. People just like you from Free Ohio Now, Ohio Freedom Action Network (OhioFAN) and across the state have come together to form Working Groups:
- Ohio Election Integrity Network: For free and fair elections
- The Ohio Roundtable (roundtableohio.com): Media powered by citizen journalists
- Ohio School Board Constitutional Coalition: Support constitutionally-minded school board members
The goal of the BARNSTORMING TOUR is to recruit people just like you to volunteer for the Working Groups in order to work together to earn our collective freedom and personal sovereignty!
More to come!
You are at OhioFAN.com and can find Tom’s original video series below. His slide presentation can be found here. See the event calendar for his NEXT STOP on the OHIO BARNSTORMING TOUR!
WATCH these brief videos! Link to slide presentation is below these videos.

2. Circle Model Video

3. The Righteous Mind Video

4. The Biblical vs. The Unholy Video